Gaia's Avatar
Innate - Edge of Gaia
Type Starting Item; Undroppable
Description (Copy-Pasted from in-game, with slight color variation for forum)
The Edge of Gaia is an indestructible weapon, forged from the strongest metals from Her Core. Its powers are many to a worthy wielder.
To Gaia's Avatar, this weapon grants:
Critical: 5% x2
Evasion: 5%
Damage Reduction: 50%, -5
Gaia's Avatar: For a short while, the Avatar can channel the raw energy of Gaia itself, regaining all the power she had at her most poweful for a scant few moments|nDuration: 7 seconds|nCooldown: 7 minutes
Avatar: Increases her Life, Damage, and Armor. The amount is such that at level 1, upon activating it, she will have Life+Damage+Armor equal to that of her own level 19.
Level 1 - Shield of Flame
Type Non-Targeted
Effect Draws forth magma from the Planet itself, burning all foes surrounding the Avatar, and refreshing her own life.
Area of Effect 400
Level 1/2/3/4 Damage - 30/60/90/127 - Heal - 40/60/80/100
Will interrupt channeling spells